Two questions, if I can?
Q1: Can I interpret "namely that..." as an "absolute phrase"?
(I will explain what I mean by "absolute phrase" in a minute)
Lots colors incoming, I'm sorry... I thought coloration will make comparison obvious
Thus the sentence's structure becomes:
noun + verb + noun, noun.
That some fraternal twins resemble each other greatly while others look quite dissimilar (noun) highlights (verb) an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs (noun), namely that they vary considerably on a spectrum of genetic relatedness (noun).
(explaining the term "absolute phrase") the orange-colored noun is an absolute phrase, which act as an additional explanation for previous noun.
Absolute phrase seems a common in GMAT:
Yellow jackets (noun) number (verb) among the 900 or so species of the world’s social wasps (noun), wasps that live in a highly cooperative and organized society consisting almost entirely of females—the queen and her sterile female workers (noun).
In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin (noun) usually suffices (verb) to block production of thromboxane (noun), a substance that promotes blood clotting, but not seriously interfering with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting (noun).
If my reasoning is true, then "namely that..." must be somewhat different.
Normally we don't see "that" is used to introduce a non-essential clause (I mean -- "Comma + that" modifier).
But "namely that" prove OK (according to "OA is always right" rule)
Q2: What are the other uses of "with" (when "with" is used as modifier seperated by comma)?
As far as I know, there are two ways of using it:
1. show possession
-->e.g. With a strong longing for vacation, I canceled my future GMAT test.
2. show time concurrence
And the last link ( also re-direct to what Ron talked about:
RonPurewal Wrote:justprashant Wrote:I have seen few responses from your side in which Official answer starts with "With" and you admitted that this is new learning for you.I do not have the links, else I would have given it for your reference.Said that, I'll keep in mind what you have said.
i vaguely recollect something like that, but i don't think that any of those problems were from OG or gmat prep.