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Re: Although it claims to delve into political issues,

by aguirrestom Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:51 am

Rehashing-- I found this SC problem to be awkwardly constructed as well. Did we a come to a consensus that the TV appears to be claiming something (as a human would), and that this question is therefore wrong, or could a construction similar to this actually stand on the GMAT?
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Re: Although it claims to delve into political issues,

by RonPurewal Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:00 am

if you read the news, you'll routinely see "The government claims...", "The company claims...", etc.

these constructions can be understood as a sort of compromise: they're not 100.00000% literal, but a perfectly literal statement would be long, awkward, and unnecessary.

note that this construction is NOT tested in the problem (it's far, far away from the underline)-- and it won't be tested in any future problem, either.