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The Difference Between Old Tests and Recent Tests

by joshringu Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:04 pm

Hello Manhattan LSAT,

I was just curious about the recent vs the older preptests. I have read previous forums, but have not gotten a straight response.

So I have been taking the recent preptests, but the problem is I have already taken them months ago - I can remember a few questions here and there, and sometimes remember even the answers. So I decided today to take Preptest 1.

I scored a few points lower. Also, while I was taking the test, I seemed to feel a difference between the more recent tests compared to Preptest 1. The LR and RC section seem less detailed and it is as if it was telling me a story, which is usually a good thing but I have gotten so used the recent preptests that this got harder.

LG section was the same, but other than that I seemed to be slowing down, and the techniques and strategies I used for recent preptests did not seem to be working for Preptest 1.

I am taking the October LSAT, should I just stick with taking the recent preptests? Despite the fact I do remember a question here and there. I am saving the June 2013 LSAT since I have not taken that one yet.

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Re: Preptest 1, The Difference

by tommywallach Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:58 am

Hey Josh,

I'm not totally sure what your question is here. I'll take some guesses.

Are the old tests different?


How are they different?

Lots of ways, subtle and not-so-subtle. For example, certain kinds of questions fall by the wayside. Certain kinds of questions are added. Certain kinds of right answers are no longer allowed. Certain kinds of wrong answers are no longer allowed. Etc. I really wouldn't worry about the nitty-gritty of it.

Can I trust my score on an older test?

Yes and no. You might get a few questions wrong because you aren't used to their patterns. You might also get a couple right because the old way of doing things was more the natural way your brain works. It really is hard to say. Overall though, I'd say you're more likely to miss a couple more.

Should I depend on these old tests when I'm getting close to test day?


But I've done all the newer tests!

Still no.

But I know some of these questions!

Well, then you might not be able to trust your overall score at the end. HOWEVER, practice tests are as much an opportunity to practice as they are an opportunity to see how you're scoring. Save that one test you have left as a pure diagnostic (just to see where you're at) and use the others just for practice. Also, if you "remember" the answer to a question, don't just fill in the bubble and move on. "Re-solve" it. This is possible. When I teach in class, I know the answers to every question, but I can still show the class perfect process (i.e. finding the core or the scale, eliminating the wrong answers for concrete reasons, etc.).

Good luck!

Tommy Wallach
Manhattan LSAT Instructor
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Re: The Difference Between Old Tests and Recent Tests

by joshringu Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:49 pm

Hi Tom,

Thank you so much! You have answered my question exactly. I'll stop doing the older preptests and start doing the recent ones. And yeah, I know what you mean by how the older preptests are how the brain naturally works. This really messed me up during the test.

I had one more question though. When do you think I should take the June 2013 LSAT? The only recent test I haven't done? Two weeks before the LSAT, one week, three weeks?

Thanks so much!