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Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by jiehaep Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:15 pm

9. (A)
Question Type: Strengthen

The argument here is that the scientists shouldn’t be held liable because they couldn’t foresee/control the uses of their research by others. Choice (D) neatly supports this argument by providing a general principle saying exactly that: people are not responsible for the unforeseen uses of their activities by others.
(A) is out of scope. Nowhere does the argument make mention of improper usage.
(B) is incorrect. There is no mention of exclusive responsibility.
(C) is out of scope. We don’t care about responsibility for desirable consequences, just the dangerous ones.
(E) is out of scope. The argument does not cover foreseeable consequences.
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by sloan_galler Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:10 pm

Thanks a ton, I love how you explain the wrong answer choices. I am going one by one to see if our logic is similar in regards to POE.

I think you should put "9 (D)" instead of "9 (A)"


So far, I have gotten 8/9 and my only mistake is a question I changed the answer choice on!
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by timsportschuetz Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:05 am

I would like to add to the above explanation of answer (A): I would not eliminate it solely on the bases of "improper usage". The argument could allow for this based on the stimulus. The key to this question is the premise of the argument core: "They couldn't foresee nor restrict the kinds of products...". The right answer choice MUST have this language present. Answer (A) completely ignores this relevant piece of language! The entire argument and its' conclusion is based on the fact that these scientists were unable to foresee the potential uses...
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by Charlie Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:06 am

Sorry but why this question isn't a sufficient assumption one?
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by josh.randall52 Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:01 pm

Got this one correct after some time trying to parse out all the info in this stimulus. Feel free to pick apart my reasoning; I'm just doing this to help myself and hopefully others.

Conclusion: the scientists who conducted the research should not be held responsible.
Why?: they only generated these theories through scientific research and could not foresee nor restrict the byproducts of the research. It states that these theories that were generated by scientists, some of them led to damage the environment.

We need to help support the fact that scientists should not be held responsible.
A - the part that threw me off was, "individuals who develop something".. these scientists didn't develop any byproducts from the theories. they merely generated the theories which helped other people develop these good/bad byproducts. also, improperly used seemed a little out of scope, but I think they were trying to hit on the byproducts that produced environmental damage
B - justified in performing in activity? we're trying to help prove that scientists are not responsible.
C - receive credit? again, like B, we are trying to prove that scientists are not held responsible.
D - correct.. individuals who perform an activity (the research) should not be held responsible (looking good) for any unseen and undesirable byproducts. correct, matches up w/ stimulus
E - should be held responsible? again, like AC B+C, we are trying to prove these scientists are not responsible.

Hopefully this helps and adds another perspective.
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by DavidH327 Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:53 pm

Can answer choice E correct if it were to say:
Individuals should be held responsible ONLY if unforsee and not restrict?

The stimulus says neither forsee nor restrict; therefore, should not be held responsible
So can't we infer the above?

I eliminated E because it did not have conditional language not because we don't have information about "should be held responsible"

Please help me out!
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by ohthatpatrick Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:06 pm

Your prediction is exactly right.

The argument said, "They could neither foresee nor restrict, so they shouldn't be held responsible".

So you want an answer choice that says
(E) If you couldn't foresee and you couldn't restrict, then you shouldn't be held responsible.

What you wrote was:
Individuals should be held responsible ONLY if unforsee and not restrict?

"Only if" = ---->

So that is saying

(E) If they should be held responsible, then they did not foresee and did not restrict

That doesn't make sense.

I think you were trying to write the contrapositive of the prediction you made:
"They should be held responsible only if they did foresee or could restrict"

That would be a correct answer.
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Re: Q9 - Theories generated by scientific research

by DavidH327 Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:28 pm

Yes, Thank you for spotting it!! :)

ohthatpatrick Wrote:Your prediction is exactly right.

The argument said, "They could neither foresee nor restrict, so they shouldn't be held responsible".

So you want an answer choice that says
(E) If you couldn't foresee and you couldn't restrict, then you shouldn't be held responsible.

What you wrote was:
Individuals should be held responsible ONLY if unforsee and not restrict?

"Only if" = ---->

So that is saying

(E) If they should be held responsible, then they did not foresee and did not restrict

That doesn't make sense.

I think you were trying to write the contrapositive of the prediction you made:
"They should be held responsible only if they did foresee or could restrict"

That would be a correct answer.