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Q9 - Smith's statements can most

by rdown2b Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:32 pm

I was able to Choose D but had a tough time eliminating E.
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q9 - Smith's statements can most

by timmydoeslsat Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:47 pm

Good job on choice D. I turned to this problem when seeing your question and went to D as well.

The reason to eliminate choice E is because Smith would not be in agreement with that idea.

Smith says that children cannot be given the responsibility of voting.

Evidence for this conclusion?

Children's idea about what can or should be done are too simple and their time horizon is very different from adults.

Do you notice that he is NOT saying that somebody else will represent their interests? You would imagine maybe their parents, but Smith says that their interests are not always the same as their parents.

Just for more practice for the LSAT, do you see that both arguments lack justification for their principles?

In Smith's argument, he is assuming that children's views on some concepts are not acceptable. Just because adults and children have different views on time horizon and what can/should be done, does that mean that the adult's view is the "right" one?