Question Type:
Weaken (looks like Flaw, but since all the answers are prefaced with "fails to consider the possibility", it's really going to act like Weaken)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: N5 is useless to people trying to reduce fat/calorie intake.
Evidence: Subjects who ate N5 foods always felt hungrier than they would have with real fat foods, so they ate more, which meant they ended up consuming the same calories as before.
Answer Anticipation:
If we assign ourselves Opposing Counsel, we'd need to argue that "N5 is of use to people trying to reduce their fat/calorie intake". Yet, in this study, people eating N5 did not reduce calorie intake. But --- didn't they reduce fat intake? So it was still of SOME use to them. We could also try to argue that something about these subjects was unrepresentative of how people would use N5 "in the wild".
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This sounds more like it helps the author -- "N5 is useless; you can't even make certain meals with it"
(B) This also helps --- "N5 is useless AND it has unpleasant side effects"
(C) Translate "not all" statements into "some aren't": "Some people who eat N5 foods do not pay attention to caloric intake". This drifts towards helping the author, since not paying attention to caloric intake sounds like a recipe for eating just as many calories as before.
(D) We don't know whether the people in this study knew / didn't know that N5 contains zero calories, so it's hard to apply this new information to what we were told. This answer would only work as an objection if we could say "THESE people were unrepresentative -- they knew N5 has zero calories so they ate too much food. For people who don't know N5 has zero calories, they might eat less and therefore consume less fat/calories.
(E) Yes! This argues the anti-conclusion nicely. N5 is of use, since people using N5 did get partial benefit: they ate less fat.
Takeaway/Pattern: My primary move on Weaken questions is simply to assign myself the Anti-Conclusion and pretend I'm Opposing Counsel, trying to argue that point of view. I picture the author saying her evidence and sitting down, and then think, "Now it's my turn to address the courtroom ... what am I going to say in response to what she just said?" Since I'm trying to convince the court that N5 actually IS useful for people who need to reduce fat/calorie intake, I would argue that these people were able to cut their fat intake, while having roughly the same amount of calories.