Oooh, I like the idea, but I don't think that both ideas are opposites.
If I say you're NOT reasonable, does that mean that you're unreasonable?
Yeah, I think that's fair.
If I say you DON'T adapt yourself to the world, does that mean you adapt the world to you?
No, not necessarily.
Who said you had to do any adapting at all? You might be aware that you can't change the world (so you don't try to adapt the world), but also feel incapable of change (you don't adapt yourself). So you just go through life, stubbornly being yourself in the face of a world that stubbornly doesn't change itself to fit your needs.
This is all sounding too much like my last session with my therapist.

Consider this one:
If you like Will Ferrell, then you always laugh at goofy things.
If you don't like Will Ferrell, then you never laugh at goofy things.
Is that a bi-conditional?
No, not quite. Because the negation of "always" isn't "never". It's just "not always".
Hope this helps.