What does the Question Stem tell us?
Break down the Stimulus:
Conclusion: Mayor acted improperly in awarding street contracts to a company owned by a relative.
Evidence: Company would have been in trouble without winning that contract.
Public officials, such as mayor, shouldn't award contracts in a way that benefits (or even appears to benefit) themselves.
Any prephrase?
The guideline allows us to prove that mayor acted improperly, once we establish that awarding the contract benefits, or appears to benefit, the mayor. All we know is that the contract benefits a relative of the mayor. So we need a principle that says something like, "If it benefits the relative's company, it benefits or appears to benefit the mayor."
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
A) This does nothing to establish benefiting the mayor.
B) Nothing about benefiting the mayor.
C) Nothing about benefiting the mayor.
D) Nothing about benefiting the mayor.
E) Bingo.
Takeaway/Pattern: These are usually solveable up front. You have a rule. You have a verdict. You're normally just looking to see where you're falling short of triggering the rule.