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Q7 - When drivers are deprived

by todavidzheng Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:45 pm


Could someone please tell me what the principle of the passage is? I had a hard time to choose B from others.

Thank you!
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q7 - When drivers are deprived

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:31 pm

Sure. The principle in the stimulus is that some people are not good judges on a decision about what they should do.

In the stimulus, it's whether the drivers should quit driving.
In answer choice (A), it's whether people who are too drunk are too drunk to drive.
In answer choice (C), it's whether industrial workers should continue to work.
In answer choice (D), it's whether people who have donated blood are good judges about whether to leave the facility.
In answer choice (E), it's whether schizophrenic's are good judges about continuing medical care.

Answer choice (B) doesn't have the reflexive quality that each of the other answer choices have. if you're stuck on a question like this, next time ask yourself, "which one of these is different than all four other answer choices?" That might help you to see what the test-writer intended in the principle.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you still have another question on this one.
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Jackie Chiles
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Re: Q7 - When drivers are deprived

by alexg89 Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:33 pm

I'd also add that the stimulus is implying that something is occurring to the person preventing them from making a good decision. B is the only answer choice where nothing out of their control is clouding their decision choice/ mental state like in A,C, D, and E.
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Re: Q7 - When drivers are deprived

by ttunden Sun May 25, 2014 5:40 pm

I agree with the above. The basic principle I extrapolated from this stimulus was that peoples self awareness is bad. I made sure that the persons who self awareness is bad had something occur to them like the drivers deprived of sleep in the stimulus. They think they are okay when they actually are not.

So that was the principle I used when I hit the answer choices.

A- matches. Self awareness bad

C - self awareness bad. Affected by negative factor

D- self awareness bad. Affected by negative factor

E - Self awareness bad. Affected by negative factor

So I am left with B. The thing they are judging is not something that has to do with them nor are they being affected in a negative way.

This was basically my real time thought process when I took this test timed the other day.