Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
The premise of the argument compares crosswalks that have certain safety features with crosswalks that don't, noting that more pedestrian injuries occur at the crosswalks that have the safety features. From this, the argument concludes that the safety features are a waste of money.
Answer Anticipation:
The argument assumes that the safety features don't provide some benefit that justifies their cost, in spite of the difference in pedestrian injuries. A couple of possibilities should always come to mind when an argument makes this type of comparison: perhaps the crosswalks with safety features are used by far more pedestrians, or perhaps the safety features are only added to crosswalks at very dangerous locations. In either case we could still have a significant number of injuries at those crosswalks, but if the safety features weren't in place we might have significantly more!
This argument actually leaves us a lot of room for debate. We have no idea why the person making this argument believes that a greater number of injuries proves that the safety features are a waste of money. He might think that the safety features should make the number of injuries lower. He might insist that there should not be any injuries at all. He could possibly think that the safety features are causing more injuries—there is not any direct evidence for that in the argument, but it's possible. What's important is that the safety features might provide some significant benefit in spite of the injuries, and the argument doesn't take this into account.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This describes one of the issues that we anticipated. If the safety features are installed at intersections because those intersections are the most dangerous, they might be preventing some, but not all injuries, and still be very worthwhile.
(B) We have to be careful with this answer choice. This answer is specifically about safety features "that fail to reduce the number of injuries." Do we know for a fact that the safety features in the stimulus are failing to reduce injuries? As we pointed out above, they could very well be reducing injuries. If they are, then answer choice (B) doesn't apply to the argument at all.
(C) Like choice (B), the flaw described in choice (C) doesn't apply to this specific argument. We don't have to assume that other, less expensive options exist. If the striping and flashing lights aren't effective, they could be a waste of money regardless of whether or not there are better options.
(D) This is out of scope. The premise compares crosswalks with striping and flashing lights to crosswalks that lack these features. Based on that, we have a conclusion that is strictly about the striping and flashing lights. The existence of other safety features is not addressed in the premises, and doesn't impact the conclusion.
(E) A comparison between pedestrian injuries and car occupants' injuries is irrelevant. If the striping and flashing lights somehow reduced injuries to car occupants, that fact might be relevant, but that's not what answer choice (E) states. We don't have any idea how the comparison in this answer is related to the safety features in the crosswalks.
Takeaway/Pattern: When an LSAT argument compares two things, then draws a conclusion based on that argument, there is often a significant piece of information missing from the comparison. Identifying that missing piece can be the key to spotting the flaw in the argument.