Question Type:
Explain Discrepancy
Stimulus Breakdown:
Fact 1: best way to trap the correct amount of water in popcorn kernels is to have the sun dry the corn while the corn is still in the field.
Fact 2: I always dry the corn on a screen in a warm, dry room.
Answer Anticipation:
Given that "the best way is to sun dry in the field", why is it that this farmer "dries the corn on a screen in a warm, dry room"? There's no need to predict specifically what's going on, but we could imagine that maybe the indoor-on-a-screen method is GOOD ENOUGH when it comes to proper water content and SUPERIOR to sun dry in the field on some other metric. Simple prephrase could be "Why aren't you sun-drying / why are you screen drying indoors?"
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Cool! Not what I anticipated, but here's why the farmer ISN'T sun drying. There's not much sun during popcorn drying season.
(B) Opposite. This makes us MORE likely to do sun drying.
(C) Close to being an answer. We don't know that screen-drying is one of the other methods that get acceptable levels. And we DO know that sun drying is BEST method, so we'd still be left wondering "Why not go with the best?"
(D) This is an apologist defense of mediocre popcorn. We want to know strategically why the farmer chose to eschew sun drying and use screen drying.
(E) This doesn't get at sun vs. screen at all.
Takeaway/Pattern: Ultimately, this paradox was "Given that the BEST way is method X, why is this dude doing method Y?" And the resolution was "because method X isn't an option for this dude."