Question Type:
Inference (most strongly supported)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Causality: The fact that antibio's keep animals healthy and increase meat yields ---leads to--> putting them in animal feed.
Conditional: If meat yields are reduced, some farmers will go out of business.
Belief: we should phase out antibio's in animal feed since they might make antibio's less effective on humans.
Answer Anticipation:
Inference is all about combining multiple facts, usually using Conditional, Causal, or Quantitative language.
The middle idea here is a flimsy belief, so it would be hard to use it to derive any other facts. The first and third idea connect because they both talk about "meat yields". How do they interact?
We know that antibio's are good for meat yield, and we know that when meat yields go down, some farmers go out of business. So it looks like using antibio's keeps some farmers in business. Getting rid of antibio's might force some farmers out of business.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Not quite. This involves a missing idea that "if we realize antibio's in feed make them less effective in humans, we will stop using the antibio's in feed". Even though that's fairly reasonable, there's nothing we could point at to support that.
(B) This puts too much trust into the scientists' flimsy belief. They believe it MAY make antibio's less effective, but we can't go off that speculative belief and draw a firm conclusion.
(C) Extreme: "NO farmer will go out of business"? There might be tons of ways that meat yields could be affected. Sure, taking away antibio's might be one way. But maybe there will be a terrible storm / famine / drought some year that reduces meat yields and thus some farmers would still go out of business due to reduced meat yields.
(D) Extreme: "MOST farmers"? We have no information that allows us to generalize about 51% or more of farmers.
(E) Yes. If we get rid of antibio's, we'll lose the boost they provide to meat yields. Meat yields will go down, unless farmers use some other means of increasing them. And if farmers DON'T come up with some way to offset the drop in meat yields that comes from phasing out antibio's, then according to the rule in the final sentence, some farmers will go out of business.
Takeaway/Pattern: When you see the complex conditional "If A, then B, unless C", you can always represent that as "If A and ~C, then B". Here, that would be "If we phase out antibio's and DON'T find some other means to increase meat yields, some farmers will go out of business".