by bbirdwell Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:36 pm
First of all, the answer is (B), which is very close to the answer that you chose.
1. (D) is close but ultimately falls short for two reasons: no analogous case is cited, and implementation is not shown to be "impossible" -- it's merely implied that implementation would be difficult or cumbersome.
2. Analogous case is probably defined just as you would imagine it. Milk production could be compared to corn production, for example. Generalization is probably also defined just as you would imagine it -- taking a narrow, specific example, and applying broadly (ie this salsa tastes bad, therefore all salsa taste bad).
I surmise you have made the error of thinking that the grass and grain are used here as analogous cases to milk production, but that is not correct -- grass and grain are each a PART of milk production, not separate examples!