Question Type:
Necessary Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conc: Paying senior staff with stock options is not a wise policy.
Evid: Doing so dramatically increases the pay disparity between senior staff and other employees, and anything that undermines employee morale reduces a businesses profitability.
Answer Anticipation:
With Necessary Assumption, sometimes we want to solve for Missing Links, and sometimes we want to just debate the author via the Anti-Conclusion perspective.
This argument has a couple gaps that we could articulate:
"something that would reduce profitability of business" = "not a wise policy", and
"increasing the pay disparity" = "undermines employee morale".
Since this is an early question (Q6), it's likely just testing one of those language gaps.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Looks good. If the pay disparities did NOT tend undermine morale, then the author has no reason offered to worry about giving the senior staff stock options.
(B) "Usually" - too extreme. From the first sentence, it appears that profitbability is reduced AT LEAST SOMETIMES from lower morale, but we can't say that lower morale is usually the cause.
(C) Unsupported comparison. Even though the author's gist is that paying senior staff stock options would ultimately lead to LESS profitability, that's comparing an individual business before/after offering stock options. The author doesn't provide enough detail for us to infer this cross-category comparison between businesses that do / don't offer stock options. It's possible that only the most successful businesses decide to offer stock options, so even though that would lower their profitability (according to the author's thinking), they might still be, on average, more profitable than less successful firms who never even reach the point of considering offering stock options.
(D) "Invariably" - too extreme. Also this is a fake opposite. The author is saying "increasing disparity -> lower morale -> lower profits", but that doesn't force the author to assume "reducing disparity -> higher morale -> higher profits".
(E) "Productive" - out of scope.
Takeaway/Pattern: Had we not seen either of the two predicted language gaps, we could have looked with fresh eyes at other ways to potentially weaken the argument, but if you "hear" a language shift, and it's an early question, it's normally worth checking the answer choices to see if you've already solved what they're fishing for.