KakaJaja Wrote:I have the same question with B.
But I think that as the question asks which one MOST undermines the predication, C is actually better than B as B only states about a small part of the city, well the condition of C can affect all.
I thought C was wrong because I did't see any relevance between C and the prediction. Now I figure that even if the water is in reservoirs and streams, it still need to be pumped by the water company before customers can use it, right? Sorry I know this question may be stupid, but I really don't know since I have no life experience about it....

(B), as it is, is actually
completely irrelevant to the argument. It has some great words that I was thinking about before going into the answer choices but when you actually think about what (B) means one could see that it just is "meh."
Reservoirs and streams are filled
Water rationing will not be necessary this summer
There are some pretty cookie-cutter assumptions that this argument is making: (1) it is assuming that the reservoirs/streams are prominent sources of water. Maybe this metropolitan area gets its water through other means and so what is going on with the reservoirs and streams is not particularly relevant. (2) it is assuming that what is going on
now is somehow indicative of what is going to happen in the
future - we take for granted that this argument is being made in the spring or some earlier season. What if the temperatures are above 100 degrees every day until the summer and so all the water is evaporated by the summer? (3) it assumes that people aren't going to use up all this water before the summer happens. I could go on and on because there is a lot of stuff to play with here despite being a short argument.
(A) This could weaken if we make additional assumptions that are outlined above. However, we obviously shouldn't do that and so I am doubtful. I didn't eliminate this one right away because it still can weaken the argument but I am of course looking for something better because this doesn't do that much for me.
(B) This answer choice says that a small part of the water supply comes from this one source. But we want to know how this is relevant to the reservoirs and streams! This is the equivalent to saying "some customers get their water from cups in their front yard." All (B) is saying is that there is another source of water BUT this other source is SMALL anyway. Therefore, this is very inconsequential. If anything, (B) might strengthen a tiny bit by implying that maybe these reservoirs and streams are fairly prominent sources of water.
(C) This looks good! This is saying that there is an increased demand and there is population growth. Above all though, we find out that the water capacity has "not kept up" with these things! So (C) is discussing something happening now shows how there has been a water shortcoming, giving us reason to believe that we still might have to ration it. This looks much better than (A) so I cross that out.
(D) This might strengthen! Lower temperatures means less chance of evaporation! However, we still don't know what effect temp has so we can dross (D) out for that reason too.
(E) This does weaken only a bit but it is just much too weak and we would STILL have to make more assumptions in order to make this truly weaken (that the difference in precipitation is not negligible, that the precipitation water is captured, etc.)
Overall, I think this is one of those cases in which you just have to realize that (A) and (E) require much more assuming than (C) does. (C) is basically ready-made and we like that on strengthen/weaken questions!