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Q5 - Manager: One reason productivity

by stephanieledesma88 Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:34 pm

Im having trouble understanding why E is the correct answer. D says that supervising employees is the most efficient way of increasing overall productivity.... So why is this statement not necessary for the conclusion to be true? My last two choices were E and D and I chose D.

Thanks in advance for any help :)
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Re: Q5 - Manager: one reason productivity in our office...

by timmydoeslsat Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:45 pm

What if the most efficient way of increasing overall office productivity is to tell your employees that the worker with the least amount of work done will be forced to listen to every song Justin Beiber has ever sang?

Even if that the most efficient way of increasing overall office productivity, it does not mean that there isn't another efficient way of doing it. We do not even need an efficient way of doing it anyway! Our conclusion is that productivity will increase soon.

Notice with these necessary assumption answer choices how unnecessary they actually are:

A) Best way?
B) More time doing office breaks now than in the past?
C) Has the wording that we love in necessary assumption answer choices, but it is not right.
D) Most efficient way?

Try negating answer choice E. The gain in productivity from reduced break time will not exceed the loss in productivity from the boss breathing down your neck.

That would ruin our argument in which we conclude that having these bosses breathing down your neck will increase productivity.
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Re: Q5 - Manager: one reason productivity in our office...

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:01 pm

Nice explanation Timmy!
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Re: Q5 - Manager: one reason productivity in our office...

by tzyc Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:49 am

Why (C) cannot be the correct answer?
Since it is necessary assumption question, answer choice which excudes other possibilities could be the correct answer too, isn't it...??

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Re: Q5 - Manager: One reason productivity

by joshringu Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:57 pm


I know I am a year late, but to answer your question for (C). I think it is incorrect because it is not a necessary assumption. Financial incentives could have a significant effect on productivity, but it won't destroy the argument. Because it is possible that financial incentives has a significant effect, but also more supervision could at the same time have a significant effect. Both are just one way to solve the issue.

If you negate it, it does not destroy the argument.

Hope that helped or helps any future on-lookers here!