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Vinny Gambini
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by lindsey.ratcliff Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:13 pm


I am confused about what this question is asking. How would you go about answering this?

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Re: Q4

by timmydoeslsat Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:56 am

It is an unusual logic game question but it is easy to handle in this game.

I framed this game, as we know that R must either go in 3 or 4 based on the rules.

Here is my setup:


For this question, I would literally write down each variable and place them on one side or the other to indicate whether it could go into at most 2 spots.

I know that R is one of these. I place R to the left of my global diagram. I know that T and Y also fit the bill. The T has to be either 1 or 2. Y has to be either 2 or 3. I place T and Y in a vertical column below my R. So far I have three variables that can accomplish what is asked.

I now have S, X, and V. I know that V is a floater and there is no way that it has to be set to only 2 spots. V could go into all 6 spots! I now have S and X. The S would be limited to only two in the first frame, either 4 or 5, but S could also go 1, 2, or 3 in the second frame. So S can go into 5 different spots! S will join V in the column for those that do not fit the bill. We now have X. We know that X could never be part of the second frame 1-3. It would require S to be with it and it would force 4 variables into three spots because we know that T and Y must go into spots 1-3 in some fashion. So X must in spot 5 or 6 in the second frame. In the first frame, are things any different for X? No. X could never be fourth in this frame, as S would have nowhere to go to be before it. So X must be limited to slots 5 and 6. X is limited to two spots as well.

We have a total of four.
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Jackie Chiles
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Re: Q4

by ca_teran1 Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:52 pm

Hello can I have the overall diagram once again, it expired for this game. Thanks
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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q4

by christine.defenbaugh Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:55 am

ca_teran1, here is the overall diagram!


Timmy's explanation above for this question is excellent. You can see from the diagram that the earliest the T-Y-R string could go would be 1-2-3, while the latest it could go would be 2-3-4.

S is very floaty - it can go in a number of different places! And V is a super floater - he can go anywhere he likes.

But what about X? Given how much room T-Y-R take up, and the fact that S comes before C, there's no way to force X any earlier than 5. That means he is also limited to two spaces: 5 and 6.

Thus, there are four employees limited to one of only two possible spaces!

Please let me know if this completely answered your question!
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q4

by asheppard025 Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:29 pm

I was really confused by the "...one of two spaces..." wording in the question. When reading it under testing conditions, it seemed as if they were asking how many elements are limited to "ONE space" in all situations vs "one of only two possible spaces" in all situations.

When first reading through it I immediately thought (D) was correct but reading it a second time, I misinterpreted the question :D . Is this just a curveball question or are there similar questions in other tests?
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Re: Q4

by tommywallach Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:22 pm

Hey Ashe,

Eh, I try not to every worry about "Will I see this again?" Instead, just remind yourself to always read as carefully as possible. There are curveballs on every single test. : )

Tommy Wallach
Manhattan LSAT Instructor