mshermn Wrote:I like this one.
The question asks us to find a response parent P could make in response to parent Q. Parent P is advocating that we should introduce all sorts of technology into the classroom, especially at an early age. Parent Q is saying that introducing all that technology is pointless, because by the time the kids grow up, the technology will have changed and the stuff they learned would be outdated. Since we're seeking to support parent P we need to find a reason why introducing technology at early age would be a benefit.
(A) sounds like a reason you would want to teach technology in the class room, hold for now.
(B) says that we will be able to adapt to new technology, but not why it would be a benefit.
(C) sounds like a reason why you would want technology in the classroom at an early age - it increases your ability to adapt to technology in the future. Hold for now.
(D) undermines parent Q, rather than supporting parent Q.
(E) advances parent P's argument, but not as a response to parent Q.
Let's look back at answer choices (A) and (C). Answer choice (A) talks about how to maintain proficiency but not about why learning technology at an early age on stuff that will be eventually outdated could still be an advantage. Answer choice (C), however, gives us a reason why learning technology that will eventually be outdated will still be useful.
canylaw Wrote:Also,I thought b was also wrong for the reason that 'no reason' to believe that something would have changed from past to present.
kimhyungjoon Wrote:For me, I was left to choose between answer choices A and C, but I was still not convinced by C due to the wording of Parent Q. Q saying "technology advances so rapidly..." made me understand this statement as computer technology as a whole might become obsolete, to be replaced by some technology totally unrelated to computers. Thus I ended up choosing A, which, despite its own problems, refers to technology in general, unlike C, which limits itself to computer technology.
Have I been too imaginative in understanding the stimulus?
gplaya123 Wrote:I would like someone to verify my reasoning...
Parent P says that introducing computer education would be beneficial starting from kindergarten.
Parent Q says it's pointless because by the time they grow up, the stuff they learn would be obsolete.
Now, I believe it's crucial to find out the "assumption."
I believe parent's Q assumption (an unwarranted one) is that if obsolete -> there is no benefits (or pointless).
I think that's the core that needs to be recognized.
A) Who cares about regular training? Parent Q never even discussed it and even if it is necessary, it does not weaken the argument in any way.
Yea because "regular training" doesn't have much to do with the type of training P is referring to. What is P referring to? Finite training: training that goes from kindergarten to high school with no discussion of any kind of training after that. Thus in a way, this might actually strengthen Q's argument. Why? Because "regular training" would require a lot more than just training through high school. If one just stops in high school then, yea, I can see why the training would be pointless. However the bigger issue is that this doesn't address the "obsolete" idea that Q references. As you mentioned, we could (should) show why learning something that will eventually become obsolete is actually okay!
B) This says that because people in the back then did it, people today could do it. This is temporal fallacy. You don't want to choose answer that commits another flaw...
Yes but keep in mind that this still gives us the idea that "there is no reason to believe...equally capable." This answer choice is fairly weak. "No reason to believe" is fairly weak too. I think the more telling sign that this answer isn't so good is how general it is. It is talking about "technology" in general and we are more looking for something about "computer technology," much more specific. The idea of "throughout history" is also very general. I wouldn't necessarily TOSS this one - but I am definitely going to look for a better answer. If I find it, only then will I toss this one.
C) This is money. It shows that learning computer language does produce some benefit: AKA increasing ability to interact with computer
Yea! It attacks the idea of being "obsolete" and why learning something that will eventually be obsolete isn't a bad thing!
D) A mentioned above, this undermines Parent Q's argument.
Sure it undermines it but, like (B), I am weary of how general it is. Remember, we WANT to undermine Q's argument. It's how much does this answer choice do so is the question we want to answer!
E) If anything else, this supports Parent Q's argument. If they have less time and by the time they graduate the computer language seems obsolete, why bother learning it?
My thoughts exactly.
csunnerberg13 Wrote:I'm still stuck between A and C and the reasons already presented aren't really convincing to me.
So far, we've said A is incorrect because it doesn't address why introducing computers in kindergartenis a good idea despite the possibility of obsolesence (that's the key).
I think A provides a reason: if you don't, the kids won't be proficient enough to live in society. I think this is a pretty convincing reason.
csunnerberg13 Wrote:Is the issue here because it says "regular training"? Even so, I'm still not entirely convinced against it because in the stimulus, we aren't talking about JUST kindergarten: there's discussion of continuing the education in high school as well and both are considered by parent Q to be pointless...Im not sure what im missing here but A seems just as convincing of an answer as C.
deedubbew Wrote:The answer choice C is making the assumption that computer technology will not become obsolete, making it a weak answer choice.
deedubbew Wrote:If computer becomes obsolete by the time these children are adults, then any work with computers in kindergarden or computer languages in high school that increases their ability to interact with computer technology would be useless.