Question Type:
ID the Conclusion
Stimulus Breakdown:
Conclusion: Simple rhythms have primordial appeal because it reminds us of the womb.
Evidence: The first sound we hear is our mom's comforting regular heartbeat. When we leave the womb, we miss that comfort, and so we are drawn to simple rhythms.
Answer Anticipation:
When we do an ID the Conclusion question, we anticipate seeing the conclusion in either 1. The first sentece or 2. Attached to some but/yet/however rebuttal. These questions rarely use conclusion words like Thus/Therefore/So/Hence to show us the main conclusion. Instead, they rely on premise indicators F.A.B.S. (for, after all, because since) or opinion-words like "probably" / "will likely" / "should". Here, the fact that the 2nd sentence begins with "after all" tells us immediately that the first sentence was a conclusion (and, as it turns out, it was the main conclusion).
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Yup. Just need a good paraphrase of the first sentence.
(B) Premise.
(C) Premise.
(D) Never said one thing is "because" of another.
(E) Premise.
Takeaway/Pattern: Being good at ID the Conclusion questions is 98% being good at finding the conclusion. Remember NOT to be looking for it in the expected, easiest ways (i.e. DON'T expect last sentence conclusions). Expect upside down arguments. The author makes a claim and then unpacks it, or she disagrees with someone and then explains why she disagrees.