by abrenza123 Tue Oct 08, 2019 4:16 pm
I'm not trying to overly parse words - I know how these words function in plain english, but LSAT language can be very nuanced and these purpose questions can definitely be tricky and I've def at the point where I am over thinking/over analyzing the meaning of these terms in the ACs and in LSAT-speak, so I just wanted to clarify the above explanation about how answer D is advocating vs. answer B which is describing... In LSAT language, how is "explain the basis" different than "describe how"? Do LSAT authors usually view "describe" as less neutral, so to speak, than "explain"?
E seemed incorrect to me because I thought E was incorrect because the phrase "has replaced" the traditional traditional conception is too strong/not fully supported in the passage.
While the author seems to align with the researchers studying taphonomy, they kept saying things like "according to THESE researchers," leading me to to think that the author was explaining an (alternate) new view (that group of researchers') of early hominids in light of new findings and their implications, rather than providing an account of events as to how this new view came to supplant the traditional one.
I didn't think that there was support in the passage to go so far as to say that the new theory had already replaced the old one and is the prevailing/dominating view ...