Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
Some related lizards live near Australia and the Americas (and nowhere else). Since the islands formed after a supercontinent including America and Australia split, the lizards must have come from America to near Australia.
Answer Anticipation:
Why not the other way around? Or why not some other method of ending up on the island? When the conclusion of an argument picks one explanation when there are several plausible explanations, the correct answer will generally deal with the other potential explanations.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Out of scope. Other animals could be native to these islands with the iguanas still coming from the Americas.
(B) Premise booster-ish. The stimulus says they're related, not genetically identical. A few differences
(C) "Documented" makes this answer too qualified (since most of these instances may have happened before humans were documenting anything). Additionally, "uncommon" isn't the same as impossible or unheard of.
(D) Bingo. While these iguanas no longer live in Australia, closely related ones used to. We have a potential alternative explanation now: these iguanas came from Australia, not the Americas.
(E) These islands formed after the fracture. If anything, this is telling us something we already know: there are really old animals around.
When an argument's conclusion is just one of several potential explanations, the correct answer will probably deal with alternative explanations. However, it won't always do so directly.