by christine.defenbaugh Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:23 pm
Excellent work eliminating (D). You are absolutely correct that your task is to find something specifically mentioned in the passage, and (D) falls far short of that. Let's take a step back and focus on the process.
This is an identification question, so the correct answer will be directly supportable by explicit text in the passage. We should not be shy about referring back to the passage to find and support these detail references.
The only answer choice directly supported is (E). The passage answers the question of the ways in which African American leaders responded explicitly in lines 18-21: "While some black leaders insisted on their right to U.S. citizenship, others called on black people to emigrate and find a homeland of their own."
The Unsupported
(A) There is no mention of specific African nations.
(B) There is no mention of specific African languages.
(C) Though there is a general reference to "colonial territory" in line 39, there is no mention of specific territories.
(D) Lines 10-14 tell us only that the question of citizenship for African Americans was unresolved even after the adoption of the 14th Amendment. The passage does not explain why this was true, nor is there any reference to textual ambiguities. Attempting to infer anything about the cause of conflict would be a bridge too far.
Please let me know if that completely answers your question!