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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
Posts: 227
Joined: March 05th, 2015


by uhdang Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:32 am

This is asking for Author's position.

@ Gottfried’s study is the one that the author uses to compare advantage of broadening the scope. Gottfried’s example was to show how the number has been falsely presented due to narrow scope / parameter.

===== Answer Analysis =====

A) “time frame” was not the problem. It was not even mentioned as a potential problem in studies.
B) “inaccurate source” is not the problem mentioned either. It’s the scope of definition of “woman medical practitioners.”
C) Loss of medieval documents? Not supported.
D) Social changes in general has not been focused in the passage.
E) “defined” Yes. (Correct)