Here is a top to bottom review.
People taking Drug P had 1/3 fewer heart attacks and 1/3 fewer deaths from heart disease than those not taking Drug P
Drug P reduces cholesterol
These findings are consistent with other studies, showing that people with heart disease have higher-than-average cholesterol***→
Lowering cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease
***One thing to note right here. I could be wrong - I hope not - but as soon as I read this premise, I immediately stopped putting the "study" at the forefront of my mind. A lot of times in a flaw, we get this infamous "study" that leads us to conclusion X and the correct answer choice will say something about how the study is not representative. Because the argument went out of its way to show that this "study" is "consistent" with a lot of other studies, I thought it gave more credibility to that study. Someone correct me if I am wrong for thinking this way but, as I said, I was drawn away from thinking about the flaw as a flaw with the study.My immediate thinking was therefore about the
correlation=causation statements. We know that drug P reduces cholesterol; we know that people taking drug P have less heart disease; we know that people with heart disease tend to have higher cholesterol. However, does this mean that lowering cholesterol reduces the risk of heart disease? Not exactly. Why? Because we don't know if it was the effect on
cholesterol that led Drug P to its success. Maybe it was a placebo.
(A) Who cares about the side effects?
(B) This one looks good! Because this is a "fails to consider" statement, all we have to do is consider the idea and, if it leads the conclusion to not follow from the premises, we know its right! So let's say that "drug P reduces the risk of heart disease...but not as a consequence of its lowering cholesterol levels." Whoa! If this were true, how could we know that lower cholesterol levels is the way to reduce the risk of heart disease?!
(C) This might be a trap answer related to the validity of the study. However, we absolutely know that the data found in the specific study WAS the way the conclusion was drawn. No real problem here.
(D) Analysis is above.
(E) We absolutely don't need to consider this. We are only talking about the people who DO take Drug P and the possible effects cholesterol has on heart disease. No need to consider how widespread all of this stuff is!