by bbirdwell Sat May 28, 2011 4:45 am
Here's my two cents.
Education is a worthy goal
Govt should not increase spending on education
Conclusion: above is inconsistent.
Hmm. Well, it doesn't seem inconsistent because "education" and "spending" are different things. The only way this argument works is if those two concepts are connected somehow.
(A) close! But voting isn't part of it. The fact that it's about a legislator rather than party policy is the red flag that brought my attention to this. "Claiming the govt should spend" and "voting against an increase" are two totally different things.
(B) out of scope! Not even close.
(C) way out scope. way, way out.
(D) i like it already because it's about policy, but dude! That double negative is gnarly! And "perform" and "spending" don't seem like a great match. I'd leave it for now and check (E).
(E) close again, but not the same thing. Try negating it. Even if the members of the party always have inconsistent views, this says nothing about the policies of the party itself being inconsistent.
So, at this point, I check the clock. If I'm feeling the squeeze, I make the LSAT decision to choose (D) because it's the best ballpark match. If I have a little time, I take a second look at it.
It seems to say: Consistent --> ~(worthy -->~performed)
My conclusion includes "NOT consistent," so I'm gonna contrapose that statement and see what I get.
(worthy --> not performed) --> inconsistent
Whoa! If I can stand to let "performance" and "spending" be roughly synonymous, this is exactly what the argument is saying. It's the invisible connection that between the two facts and the conclusion that they are inconsistent. Bingo.
Quick negation thinking tells me that if this choice is not true, then the argument's conclusion cannot be drawn, period. That indicates a necessary assumption.
Maybe that helps?