I chose the correct answer, although I know choice A is flawed and exact opposite of choice D but I cannot pinpoint why the relation has to be the direction of choice D instead of choice A?
I diagram the stimulus as follows:
premise: sugar--> rid amino leaving trytophan-->serotonin
conclusion: sugar--> mood elevation
Here comes the confusing part: I could prephrase the correct answer should connect serotonin with mood elevation, but I am confused about the direction of the connection:
serotonin--> mood elevation
mood elevation-->serotonin
I choose choice D out of gut feelings but I need to clear up the direction. Is it because directions always go from premise to conclusion thus it should start from serotonin towards mood elevation?
If it is, can I apply it to other questions with situations demanding connection a keyword in premise and another keyword in conclusion by: kw in premise--> kw in conclusion?
Could you please explain? Thanks a lot in advance! :目