The question stem tells us how much of the passage we could / should consider. So for some questions, you may want to / need to consider other parts of a passage. For other questions, they are asking us about a very narrow portion of the passage, so bringing in other parts of the passage wouldn't serve us well and could potentially make us more tempted by trap answers (many trap answers just grab a phrase uttered somewhere else in the passage).
This question stem wants an analogy to
the LRCWA's recommended uplift fee. That only appears in lines 12-17, so that's the only info we need to answer this question. General thoughts about uplift fees are of no concern to us, because the question only cares about matching the LRCWA'S.
So, we just remind ourselves what their uplift fee arrangement was:
IF SUCCESSFUL, then normal fee + agreed upon bonus percentage.
It's hard to match any part of (D) to that formula. What does "success" even mean in terms of an insurance policy?
Where do we see "normal" fee or predetermined bonus?
I think you should use this question to remind yourself that if a question stem gives you specific keywords, they're usually testing you on your ability to find THAT narrow slice of the passage. Just find that slice and find the closest match in the answer choices.
The good news is that the correct way to approach this question is much tighter / easier / more efficient than your "cast a wide net" sort of approach.

Good luck.