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by pinkdatura Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:38 am


I chose B by eliminating other four choice but I really don't know B come from which part of passage?
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Re: pt 59 s4 q21 japanese sculptor portrait of fuller

by ManhattanPrepLSAT2 Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:36 pm

We know that sculpture of Fuller represented a human (because Fuller is human, I think we can assume :)).

In line 11, we're told Noguchi's sculptures, before 1927, showed exquisite understanding of human form.

Therefore, we can infer that the Fuller sculpture is like ones he made previously in that it represents a human form.

Hope that helps!
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Re: pt 59 s4 q21 japanese sculptor portrait of fuller

by imasexybastard Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:22 am

Could you please explain why E is wrong. When it mentions latter, it's referring to the sculptures Nog helped Bran produce, right?
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Re: pt 59 s4 q21 japanese sculptor portrait of fuller

by kitmitzi Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:46 am

E is wrong because it says "the latter's aesthetic effects did not depend on contrasts of light and shadow"

But this is the opposite. Brancusi's sculptures were based on negative light (shadows) so light and shadow were extremely important for Brancusi.
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by the_sork Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:26 am

I struggled with this one. Here's my take:

B: We learn on line 13 that some of N's previous sculptures showed "comprehension of human anatomy". This was prior to 1927 and corresponds to the statement in B about "human form".

A: Is simply unsupported.

C: Unsupported. We don't know anything about F's or N's reactions.

D: We don't know anything about N's intentions with the sculpture.

E: While it is likely that the portrait was different from the ones produced by B, we don't know that it was different for the reason suggested in this answer choice.
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Re: Q21

by bbirdwell Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:52 pm

Great! Doesn't seem like a struggle when you write it out that way :P

(B) is directly supported: "N's sculptures showed comprehension of human anatomy" (line 12-13)

(E) is not supported. In fact, the opposite is suggested. Read the last part of paragraph 2: "sculptors through the ages had relied on.. SHADOWS..."
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Re: Q21

by joseph.m.kirby Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:26 pm

(E) is wrong/unsupported because we don't know that Noguchi helped Brancusi to produce sculptures. According to lines 17-20, Noguchi cut and polished stone and polished the brass and bronze sculptures. All in all, Noguchi was doing the side work. It would be a stretch to infer that Noguchi was actually helping to produce Brancusi's works (Brancusi "never took students").

An analogous case (exaggerated for emphasis) would be a janitor at Apple's HQ claiming that by dusting the prototypes in the super-secret room, he or she helped in producing the iphone 5.... :lol:
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Re: Q21

by ericha3535 Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:33 pm

I was struggling with this question because of the scope:

I mean the question was about "Fuller's portrait" and anything that is relevant to Fuller was either in paragraph 3 or 4.
So I was looking for the information within that parameter...
I mean the answer actually lied in paragraph 2.

My question is, even if the question gives you a key word, you shouldn't confine yourself to a specific part of the passage that actually talks about the key word?

Please help!!!