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by peg_city Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:58 pm

Where can I find the answer to this question?

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Atticus Finch
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Re: Q21

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:56 pm

The credited response on this question is answer choice (C), hope that helps!
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Re: Q21

by LSAT-Chang Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:07 pm

Hey Matt,
Would lines 8~11 be the support for answer choice (C)? I correctly chose this, but it was out of "gut feeling" since I spent 13 minutes on this passage. I was reviewing it the second time, and noticed that those lines basically say that the existence of these conflicting values in the law implies that there is no uniquely right solution to legal cases. So I guess we could say that the CLS proponents believe that law in itself is insufficient to give an answer to a legal question? I was a little wary at first since the passage says "absence of RIGHT solution to legal cases" wheras the answer choice says "insufficient to DETERMINE the answer to a legal question" -- I thought there is a minor difference between the two in that the former is talking about a "correct" solution whereas the answer choice is talking about just "any" solution -- does this make sense? But then again, I understand that we need to give more room for RC inference questions so I don't have much problem with it. What are your thoughts?
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Re: Q21

by ManhattanPrepLSAT1 Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:10 pm

Your selection of text to support answer choice (C) is correct. We can say that the CLS movement would be "most likely" to hold that law is insufficient to determine the answer to a legal question, since they believe there is no uniquely right solution to a legal case due to the conflicting values in law.

You're right that in general there's a bit more wiggle room in RC than in LR, but the question stem is careful to suggest that the correct answer is not something that must be true, but something the CLS movement would be likely to agree with - so the closest answer choice will be the correct one.

Similar question stems in LR also warrant the same flexibility.

Hope that helps!
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Re: Q21

by Nina Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:30 pm

i chose answer B and still not sure what is the correct way to eliminate it. i think lines 53-54 talk about how applying rules of law may imply endorsed policie and values. so, does answer B actually contradict the passage?

Thanks in advance!
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Elle Woods
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Re: Q21

by wgutx08 Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:53 pm

I also picked B.

So L39-43 tells us that CLS charges legal formalism to require objectivism. I feel the unsaid inference here is that

legal formalism would require objectivism
however, objectivism is not established
-->so legal formalism is unreasonable

I mean, if the CLS people are OK with objectivism, why would they use it to "charge" formalism?

I thought this would enable me to pick B?

thanks in advance for your input!!!
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Re: Q21

by asafezrati Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:26 pm

wgutx08 Wrote:I also picked B.

So L39-43 tells us that CLS charges legal formalism to require objectivism. I feel the unsaid inference here is that

legal formalism would require objectivism
however, objectivism is not established
-->so legal formalism is unreasonable

I mean, if the CLS people are OK with objectivism, why would they use it to "charge" formalism?

I thought this would enable me to pick B?

thanks in advance for your input!!!

Honestly, I understood almost nothing from lines 39-45, but the game example gives some direction - Using the law doesn't have to imply agreement or disagreement. This is Meyerson's view, and answer choice B resembles this. So if Meyerson would agree with B most chances are that CLS proponents would disagree, and thus this is the opposite of what we are looking for in this question..
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Re: Q21

by andrewgong01 Sun Aug 20, 2017 6:55 pm

I am confused as to why "A" is not correct. We know from the final paragraph that the CLS movement charge legal formalism of giving solutions by an appeal to to objectivism, which requires a degree of moral authority. To me this parallels "A" where it is saying the law is using moral principles (moral authority) to come to some "deductive" method to ascertain a solution to a legal problem (lines 39-43 of the passage).

I agree that "C" is correct and the support can be drawn from the start of the passage but I am confused with how "A" can be ruled out based of what was given to us in the final paragraph (line 39 onwards)
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q21

by AliceInWonderland Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:06 am

I find Graeme Blake's explanation helpful: https://lsathacks.com/explanations/lsat ... sion/q-21/
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q21

by TylerW235 Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:17 pm

Thanks for link to Graem's site was really useful. Can't wait to finally start making money as a lawyer (https://crushthelsatexam.com/lawyer-salary/)!
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q21

by Jhona864 Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:16 am

Why don't you find [url https://bestlsatprepbook.com/lsat-prep-books-reviews/]best books for lsat[/url] . and get all the answers
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Vinny Gambini
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Re: Q21

by luckp573 Thu Jun 11, 2020 10:44 am

I would choose answer (C) and double checked with Graeme's site for its reason. It would be great help to find a LSAT course or LSAT books for the test prep.