by ManhattanPrepLSAT2 Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:13 pm
The key to match the flaw questions is to have a very very good sense of the flaw in the original argument before going into the answer choices.
In this case, the argument is essentially saying that...
Since one thing (understanding of stats - let's call this "A") is required for another(experimental psych - let's call this "B"),
Having more A makes you better at B.
This is obviously flawed logic -- Just because something is a requirement doesn't mean having more of that thing will make you better. For example, it might be necessary for you to be neat in filling in bubbles on test day, but being neater filling in bubbles won't relate to getting a better score. (terrible example, but hope it makes sense.)
Now we want to find an argument with the same flaw:
(A) is pretty darn close. Let's keep it.
(B) has a different type of flaw -- notice that comparisons (longer, greater) are in both premise and conclusion -- this is different from our argument and so this answer can be eliminated quickly.
(C) is pretty darn close. Let's keep it.
(D) does not have the same structure (we can tell because it reaches a different type of conclusion). We can eliminate it quickly.
(E) also reaches a different type of conclusion, and we know it has a different type of flaw.
If we look back at (A) and (C) carefully, we want to try and notice anything that makes one less like the original argument. In this case, (C) buildings in this extra layer of being "at risk" for the condition, rather than actually having the condition. Furthermore, on closer inspection, the premise in (C) is not a great match for the original argument either.
That leaves (A), the best match, and the correct answer. Hope that helps!