Question Type:
Inference (Must Be True)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Classic → Reveal significant thing about human condition
Unworthy of study → ~Reveal significant thing about human condition
Answer Anticipation:
These two statements have overlapping conditional statements (once we take the contrapositive of one), so they should be combined:
Classic → Reveal significant thing → Worthy of study
The correct answer will most likely either be: Classic → Worthy of Study; or Not Worthy of Study → Not Class
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Illegal reversal.
(B) Bingo!
(C) Half-reversal. Also, the LSAT isn't going to stake out a position against classic literature.
(D) Illegal reversal and half negation of the second statement.
(E) Illegal reversal and half negation of the first statement.
In a Must Be True question, look for conditional logic! It's frequently featured, and it gives you a process to work off of.