Question Type:
ID the Flaw
Stimulus Breakdown:
Baby Boomers vote at higher rates than Millennials. Therefore, civic engagement is decreasing.
Answer Anticipation:
Whenever I see "percentage" in an ID the Flaw question, I immediately think Percent vs. Amount flaw. However, here, the conclusion is also about percents (the rate of engagement), so I have to look elsewhere.
Here, there are two things that stand out. We're comparing Boomers to Millennials - is that a fair comparison? Not really. Maybe Millennials will vote more as they get older. To make the comparison fair, we'd need to compare Boomers when they were the same age as Millennials to current Millennials. Also, is voting a perfect proxy for engagement with the political system? Nope. Maybe Millennials get involved elsewhere but skip the voting booth.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Definitely leave it on the first pass. This deals with the unfair comparison between Boomers at 65 and Millennials at 20, so I'll pick it after ruling out the other answers.
(B) Wrong flaw. This answer reflects a Percent vs. Amount flaw. But since the conclusion isn't about the number of Millennials vs. Boomers, this flaw isn't present. This is a great trap answer - one that reflects a flaw that isn't present in the passage, but some of the concepts related to it are.
(C) Not a flaw. Phenomenon can be discovered through evidence without being understood.
(D) Wrong flaw. This answer reflects the Reversed Causality flaw, but there's no cause/effect cited.
(E) Tempting! This sounds very similar to (A), so after eliminating (B), (C), and (D) I'd compare these two. However, (A) gets at the unfair comparison. (E) brings up the possibility that both groups might change in the future, not that the comparison doesn't line up.
The LSAT will often throw in some concepts to try to get you to think a flaw is present when it isn't. Here, the stimulus talks about percents, but not amounts. It's also frequent to see causation without correlation. Don't fall for that trap!