by ptewarie Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:06 pm
A few key things to remember will help you understand this question and why B is false, although it seems attractive.
1. B notes that OPV occurred in children with pre-existing immune disorders.
Does this mean that OPV is absolutely & definitely not the causing the polio for these children? There is no way we can know for sure that DESPITE the immune disorder, the OPV is not
a) Fully causing it
b) Compounding the issue
Even if we assume that the immune disorder makes polio contraction more likely, we can not infer that OPV does NOT make it any worse.
2. Look closely at the stimulus. The recommendation is the last line states " its time to switch away from OPV as the most commonly used polio vaccine for North American CHILDREN.
Notice they are referring to ALL CHILDREN in North American, which can possibly include those children with immune disorders.
If we believe B to be true, and that that those kids with pre-existing immune disorders are likely to get OPV, than it would be a good idea to avoid giving them the OPV shot
This would actually strengthen the author's case.
Bottom line: this problem is difficult, but always look CLOSELY the scope of the stimulus and actively read every single word it says. Our brains are wired to skip, and combine certain words. This does not work in the LSAT.
Here, a close reader would have suspected there is something wrong when the author goes from:
There have been 0 new cases of naturally occurring Polio to saying there are 12 new cases of polio each year. A bulb must have lit been like: What??? Then you'd realize there are 2 categories the author is referring to
1. Natural occuring Polio
2. Vaccine caused Polio
If HPV decreases vaccine caused Polio but raises the rate of natural occurring Polio, a case can be made against its use. As of now, with OPV use, we see 0 cases of natural occurring Polio.
OPV: 0 Natural occurring VS 12 Vaccine Occuring
HPV: 7(random) Natural occuring vs 6 Vaccine Occurring
This answer still has holes( if we assume only 1 natural occuring and 6 vaccine occuring, HPV would be safer), but remember, it is a weaken question so you don't have to destroy the argument, only show that it's foundations are weak and it can be open to attack
Hope that helps