Yeah, it's a tricky question.
For (A), I agree with your critique, and I think that's the key to (B), as you initially suggest. The term professional is misinterpreted.
skapur777 Wrote:But what are the critics really saying? Are they saying that the team is being unprofessional because they are being immature, and no one, professionals or not, should act like that?
if that's the case, i don't see how they could expect me to think that much on one question when I have like two minutes to complete the problem at most.
I agree with your interpretation - the critics are saying that they're acting unprofessional in the sense of immature. But, I don't think they're saying that even professionals don't do that. The coach brings up the professionals - and that's where the error is.
I put an example above about the gambler, but here's a sillier one:
The fashion police say my clothes are old school, but I walked around Harvard, which is an old school, and nobody was wearing my clothes, so the fashion police are wrong. In terms of finishing this quickly, you've now seen this rare case of switching use of a word, so I bet you'll be quicker to notice it next time! But, it looks like you might have been adding the use of the what the professionals do to what the critics are saying, when that's actually part of what the coach is saying.