by christine.defenbaugh Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:03 pm
There are a lot of really great questions getting thrown around in here! Let's take a big step back and take this question from the top.
Since this is a weaken question, let's start by accurately laying out a simplified core.
Premise: Dinosaur fossils found in northern arctic.
Premise: Only warm-blooded animals could handle the arctic winter.
Conclusion: Some dinos might have been warm-blooded.
So we know dinos hung out in the arctic long enough to leave some fossils behind, but does that mean they could handle an arctic winter? Since that's our only connection to warm-blooded-ness, if we don't know that, we can't conclude that some dinos might be warm blooded. How in the world would we know?
Were the arctic winters back then as bad as they are now? Did the dinos stick around the arctic through the winter? Inquiring minds want to know! To weaken the conclusion, we need an answer that makes it less likely the dinos stuck out brutal arctic winters.
(D) gets right on it. If the dinos were migrating all around, then they probably hung around the arctic for a spell, then moved on to greener pastures in search of food. Nomadic rolling stones that they were, who's to say whether they summered in the arctic or wintered there? Or just came up for a holiday weekend? The fossils might well be remnants of the Fourth of July camping trip. The fossils are no more likely to have been created over winter than summer, so the fossils are no longer good evidence for some dinos being warm blooded!
Not Weakeners
(A) The fact that today's (cold-blooded) reptiles are confined to the temperate/tropical zone simply gives us more evidence that cold-blooded creatures wouldn't be slumming around the arctic. This premise booster certainly doesn't weaken the likelihood that our arctic dinos were warm-blooded.
(B) The relative size of the artic dinos to other dinos doesn't have anything to do with where they spent the winter or whether they were warm-blooded.
(C) Here we have an ice-hardy plant fossil near a dino fossil. We might be tempted to imagine that if the plant could survive the winter, then surely the dino could too! (This would make the answer a strengthener, if it were true.) But there's no indication that this is the case. Just because the plant was capable of surviving the intense cold does give us any information about the dino. If the dinos merely summered in the arctic, a few could have died next to these sturdy plants then. What the plant is *capable* of tells us nothing about what actually happened, nor about what the dinos themselves were capable of.
(E) We've established that current arctic winters are brutal enough that a cold-blooded creature wouldn't hang out for long. This answer tells us that the ancient arctic winters were just as bad, and in doing so, strengthens the argument that dinos sticking around through an arctic winter would likely be warm-blooded.
With regards to (D), ivank, your description of dinosaurs hiding in plants is incredibly creative! Unfortunately, it's far too creative for the LSAT. If dinosaurs could hide inside plants, those plants would have to be incredibly large. Or perhaps the dinosaurs would be incredibly small. Or both! Either way it sounds like an awesome movie, but not a very likely real life scenario.
Even if we did have a situation with giant plants that dinosaurs could hide inside, just because the plant itself is capable of withstanding the extreme cold would not necessarily mean that it can offer protection to other creatures. Perhaps the plant can stay alive even when all of its cells are at sub-zero temperatures - how it can stay alive that way, I don't know, but its probably not going to help anything else stay alive, even if they could get inside the plant somehow.
This is a tough question, with some sticky parts. Please let me know if you have additional questions on this, or need anything else clarified!