Hi Matt.
I'd like to debate about AC "C" and "D".
In your response to skapur777 you suggested to treat answers in the surrounding context.
We need to support Maritain's view: "Although bees returning to the hive communicate to other bees the distance and direction of food sources, such communication merely a
conditional reflex: animals may use communicative signs but l
lack conscious intention regarding their use"
"E" Macaques give alarm calls when predators approach and coo calls upon finding food
Passage A says:
"Research also suggest that...nonhuman primates do not produce vocalizations in response to perception of another's need for information" and "...chimpanzees do not appear to adjust their calling to inform ignorant individuals of their own location or that of food."
Therefore information about macaques vocalization supports following:
All macaques in pack know about banana tree nearby - our macaque gives 3 coo calls;
Only our macaque knows about banana tree nearby - it gives 3 coo calls.
It looks like an
Moreover "conditional reflex" in Maritain's view aligns with conditional structure of "E":
If predators approach --> Alarm call
If food is found --> Coo call
You pointed out that
The macaques example is more about the lack of perception of another's need for information
I respectfully disagree.
Last sentence of passage A says: "Many animal vocalizations whose production initially seems goal-directed are not as purposeful as they first appear." This looks like a conclusion and all what above like premises. So macaques example is indeed about lack of perception but in wider context it is used like premise "evidence" to justify the conclusion. Therefore macaque vocalization example supports idea that animal vocalization lacks intention.
"D" says " There is no evidence that Physalaemus frog calls because he knows that this call will affect the knowledge of other frogs.
I see this AC like
ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE of intention among animals.
Finally the point I am leading to is like follows:
"E" Evidence of absence of intention
"D" Absence of evidence of intention
Authority of LSAT suggests me that there is a mistake in my reasoning, but I can't find where
Please help!!!