by ohthatpatrick Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:01 pm
This question is weird, because it’s not saying ‘If F is 4th, what must be true’.
It’s saying ‘If this answer is true, does it force F to be 4th’.
We could try out F in spot 4 to observe any necessary preconditions of it being there, but this will probably be mainly be a plug and chug question.
If F/q is in 4, then we know we have to split up G and I in spots 1 and 3, so H must be in 2.
g/i H i/g F
..........r q
It’s still not clear whether G and H will both be s’s or r’s.
From laying down the preconditions, we can tell that (C) and (E) are wrong, since they are incompatible with a scenario where F is 4.
But for the others, we’d have to do plug and chug
(A) If G is 1, that doesn’t force F to be 4. For example, we could have this:
(B) If H is 2, does that force F to be 4? We know that F/q can never be in 3, since there’s an /r in 3.
So F would have to be 4 or 1. Is it bad if it’s in 1?
F H _ _
Yes, that is bad! That forces GI to be next to each other. Since we can’t let that happen, that means that we’d have to put F in 4. So (B) is correct.
(D) If I is 1, F could still be 2 or 4. Can F be 2? Sure, for example ...
s q r r