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Atticus Finch
Atticus Finch
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Q17 - Production manager: The building materials that we pro

by uhdang Mon Apr 13, 2015 3:36 am

This is a Method of Reasoning question type.
The way to approach this type of question is
1) Identify the structure and form of the stimulus
2) Identify general / abstract terms describing the structure / form of the argument from answer choices.
To verify your answer choice, you can always refer back to the passage.

Here is the core:

(PM) building materials we produce meet industry safety codes but pose some safety risk. + developed safer version of our product
should stop producing current product and sell only safer version to protect public safety

(SM) Stop selling current products will make us with no money to develop and promote safer products
Need to continue selling current products to market safer product successfully.

@ Sales Manager is introducing a factor that Production Manager has overlooked to counter what PM is proposing.

A) pointing out that one part of the production manager’s proposal (stop selling current products) would have consequences (no money) that would prevent successful execution of another part (selling safer product). Fits perfectly. Correct.

B) No challenging authority. Out of scope.

C) First of all, Sales manager does not question new product's safety level. Besides, the stimulus does not generalizes new product’s safety. It does specifically states that it is safer than the old one.

D) No change in the standard proposed.

E) "Potential impact of the new technology" is not introduced. Sale Manager just provides a possible consequence when stop selling old products.