by bbirdwell Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:51 pm
Hey there! Noah's busy, so I'll pick it up.
You say you were having trouble understanding the question itself?
It's sort of like playing the matching game. Four of the choices match up with the author's opinions/recommendations, and one of them does not.
The text of the passage is quite straightforward, yeah?
First paragraph/main point:
Understanding, applying, and formulating statutes (actual texts of laws) is important and not given enough attention in law school.
The remaining paragraphs are about the skills acquired in studying statutes:
P2 = interpretation of laws
P3 = synthesis of groups of laws
P4 = regional (some say this is a bad thing, but author thinks regional skills can be applied nationally)
So, these are the things we'd expect to see in the four answer choices that we don't want.
(A) seems really good at first. In fact, on my first pass, i eliminated it, and didn't see its error until I eliminated all five choices and went back through them.
The problem is in "references to court decisions." That doesn't show up in our passage anywhere. References to court decisions "involving statutes" are not the same as statutes themselves, which the passage is concerned with. Tricky tricky.
(B) "understanding...interrelated laws." Yep.
(C) "formulated." Yep.
(D) "wording...region." Yep.
(E) "wording." Yep.
I'm wondering if you chose (E) because it sounded too specific. It's a great trap answer choice, but totally supported by the passage, which says interpreting/formulating the actual texts is important. The wording of terrorism laws, though specific, is an example of a particular, "actual text."
Hope that helps!