Just wanted to add how I broke this down. I just made a long conditional chain because sometimes its easier for me to understand the stimulus visually and it made going through the answers super easy. I think (B) could have been a lot more tempting had I not done it this way.
Dean =
→ Respected → PhD
→ Competent to oversee use → Really Knows
→ University Staff
What we see is that IF you are dean, you must have ALL of these qualifications: respect, PhD, Competent, Knowledge, and Staff. Without even one of these things, you simply cannot be the dean.
Now here is what the argument is assuming:
Dean =
→ Respected → PhD
→ Competent to oversee use → Really Knows
→ University Staff
→ Professor from University's C.S. department
In other words, the argument is assuming that
ONLY Professors from the University's C.S. department are all of these things. To put it in even another way...
Respected & PhD & Competent & Really Knows & University Staff → Professor University's C.S. Department
In order to weaken this, all we simply have to show is this...
Respected & PhD & Competent & Really Knows & University Staff → ~Professor University's C.S. Department
We have to show that you CAN be all of those things (respected, PhD, etc.) and still NOT be a professor from the university's C.S. department.
This is what (A) does. (A) shows that there are some members of the university staff who have PhDs and who really know about computers but are
not professors. This one through me for a loop a bit because I was imagining the right answer would say that there is someone from a different department that has all those things (I undermined the importance of the
professor condition in my mind) but this definitely still works!
(B) "Who do not hold PhDs..." Wrong! The qualified applicant absolutely needs a PhD.
(C) Anything having to do with Computer Science professors really cannot help us weaken the argument. After all, we are trying to show something about people who AREN'T those things - that they TOO are qualified.
(D) "Board of trustees of this university..." Who cares? Are they qualified for the job?
(E) So what? Are they qualified for the job? Also, look at (C)'s explanation again.
***Note: I equate "doctoral degree" to PhD for shorthand. I am NOT trying to imply that ONLy PhDs are "doctoral degrees."