by huskybins Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:18 pm
Although it is a most-likely-to-agree question, I still think it would be necessary to expect a high-degree coherence between the original text in the passage and the answer choice. While in B, it refers "resolve legal questions" to "interpret them (statutes) accurately " in line 25 for a proof of its qualification as the correct answer, which is what I cannot agree. From the passage, there is nowhere suggesting a lawyer who can interpret statutes accurately must be able to resolve legal questions, or vice versa. It may also be true in realities that a lawyer interpreting very well the statutes but fails to resolve the legal issues.
Furthermore, in passage the author emphasizes the importance to training "law school students" to acquire such an ability above, which seems to me a quite different concept from training lawyers in statutory laws as stated in B, which is more like a post-career training.
So it is quite questionable to me in getting this question right. Any feedback would be appreciated.