by maryadkins Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:28 am
The author has devoted the first two paragraphs to arguing for why statutes should be taught in law school. The third paragraph adds another reason: synthesis. It actually starts with the words "another skill." Notice the author does NOT say a "more important skill" or anything that suggests that synthesis is more important than "the ability to interpret" discussed in paragraph two (lines 24 - 25). The author is piling on reasons for a certain mode of teaching, not pitting those reasons against each other. This is why (C) is wrong and (A) is correct.
(B) is more a description of the first paragraph if anything.
(D) gets it backwards—the author is suggesting that the study of statutory law improves this skill, not the other way around.
(E) is off because the paragraph isn't about providing an example of a problem but about providing an example of a benefit.