12. (B)
Question Type: Inference (3-16, paragraph 2)
Okay, we know exactly where to look for this one. Before heading to the answer choices, let’s understand the relationship between primary and secondary substances. In fact, since we’re going to need to compare it to an analogous situation, let’s be sure to describe it in generalized terms.
The primary substances are required for growth and proper functioning while the secondary substances give plants their distinctive tastes and smells. Let’s generalize. Primary substances basically make the plant work day-to-day, Secondary substances glitz it up a bit. Let’s go fit an analogy to this.
(A) states that electrical power is essential for hospitals to function; there’s our primary substance. Generators provide a backup plan. No, that’s not the glitzing it up. Eliminate.
(B) states that mechanical components are necessary for cars to run; there’s our primary substance. Other features give cars their distinctive look. This is looking great, though not sure how the bit about preventing rust and improving safety fits in. Keep it.
(C) states that mechanical components are required for the operation of clothing factories; there’s our primary substance again. Electrical components provide the power to run those components. Nope, that’s not adding glitz. Eliminate.
(D) says we have friction components and pneumatic components and that they work together to stop trains. This is missing the primary and the secondary substances. These aren’t the droids we’re looking for. Eliminate.
(E) is missing the glitz. Eliminate.
We should choose (B) because it’s the only one even close to our prediction, but to satisfy our curiosity, the bit about preventing rust and improving safety comes from the discussion about the survival advantages of secondary substances in paragraph 2.
Did you notice that most of the wrong answer choices had a nice analogy for our primary substance? Don’t fall in love with answers just because the first part is great. Hold off judgment until you’ve read the whole thing.