Question Type:
Sufficient Assumption
Stimulus Breakdown:
Romance/Satire: characters with morality that reflects world
Comedy/Tragedy: characters with morality that changes
Therefore, C/T can't be R/S.
Answer Anticipation:
In order to get to the conclusion, the argument needs to prove that the characteristics of C/T can't overlap with those of R/S. The characteristics we learn about each pair of genres speaks to the morality of the characters, but these characteristics don't contradict each other, which the critic needs them to do in order to prove her point.
The answer will state that characters with changing morality can't reflect the world, or characters with world-reflecting morality can't change.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) Out of scope. The argument cares about the morality of characters. This answer choice conflates what we know about the worlds of R/S with the characters of C/T.
(B) Tempting! This answer connects the change in C/T with the vision of the world. However, it doesn’t connect the changing morality of characters in C/T with reflecting these changes in the world; maybe the two change in different ways.
(C) Out of scope. Similar to (A), this answer choice connects the character in C/T (and it doesn't even mention the C part) with characteristics of the world in R/S. It still doesn't tell us that the character's changing morality reflects the world.
(D) Bingo. This answer isn't exactly what we were looking for, but it serves the same purpose - drawing a line in the sand between R/S and C/T. In C/T, characters change. This answer tells us that they don't in R/S. The two genre pairs are now mutually exclusive, which is what the conclusion states.
(E) Premise booster/out of scope. The argument only speaks to major characters, so, if anything, this answer choice just builds on what we already know.
Takeaway/Pattern: When a conclusion states that two things are mutually exclusive, look for an answer that states one of the "things" can't have something necessary for the other "thing".