by demetri.blaisdell Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:22 pm
This is an inference question that asks us to determine the opinion of someone who is not the author. The people in lines 51-55 believe that writing down traditional languages is misguided and unnecessary. (A) focuses on the idea of it being unnecessary: if we don't do it, these languages will still survive. If that didn't jump out at you, look at the wrong answers below:
(B) is an unsupported inference. The author mentions decreasing use of traditional languages, but nobody is arguing that communication in general is decreasing.
(C) is the opposite of what these people want. They are arguing that oral traditional language shouldn't be written down but that they definitely need to be preserved orally.
(D) is out of scope. We have no information regarding what these people think about tribal customs. We don't even know for sure what they think about external influences on language---let alone what they think about tribal customs in general.
(E) is another opposite answer. These people want to keep their traditional languages oral---not write them down.
I hope this helps you tackle this problem. Let me know if you have any questions.