Stimulus: All moral theories developed in moral tradition tries to tell us what a good life is. However, most people would judge someone that embodied the western tradition's definition of a good life to not be living a good at all.
In sum - most people would not agree with the western tradition's opinion of what embodies a good life.
Question: Most strongly supports which one of the following . . .
(A) "that is better than a merely good life." We only know that most people do not want their children to embody all the ideals of a good life as defined by the western tradition.
(B) This compares different theories that both fall under the western tradition. We only know that most people's definition of a good life differs from the western tradition's. We do not know about the differences between definitions that are found in the western tradition.
(C) This is what we want. It basically says that most people's conception of a good life is different then western tradition's conception of a good life.
(D) We do not know if it can or cannot be realized. Nothing in the stimulus talks about the possibility or impossibility of attaining a good life as described by moral theories in the western tradition.
(E) We also do not know this. We know that western tradition's definition of a good life is different from most people's, but we know nothing about the possibility or impossibility of actually developing a theory to accurately describe a good life.