Question Type:
Must Be False (~ish)
Stimulus Breakdown:
Creating a plant wikipedia is hard for two reasons:
1) The same plant has been named multiple things
2) DNA shows that plants science thought were the same species, aren't
Answer Anticipation:
Since the language is so wishy-washy, I'm expecting the correct answer to be extreme so that a single counterexample would disprove it. As to specifics, I'm not sure what exactly to look for.
Correct answer:
Answer choice analysis:
(A) Degree/timeline. The stimulus never states the current state of the database. It could be nearing completion despite the difficulties.
(B) If anything, supported. It doesn't seem as if they'd undertake the difficulties if it wasn't useful. While this answer is technically out of scope (maybe the whole purpose of botany is just to create this database), if I'm leaning towards it being supported, I'll cut it and move on.
(C) Out of scope. The argument never talks about other fields, so this may or may not be true.
(D) This answer is extreme, so I like it for a Must Be False question - if there is a single technique, then this answer is wrong. And we know there must be, since plants that were thought to be distinct because of their names were found to be the same. They've also been using DNA to distinguish between species.
(E) If anything, supported, though again out of scope. Since the plants have been studied under different names, there's a chance that the information is split between entries.
Must Be False questions twist our brains a bit because we're so used to finding inferences, not contradictions. Take your time to think through what the answer choice must do (contradict a given statement), and remember that anything out of scope could be true.