Question Type:
Stimulus Breakdown:
The stimulus consists of the following statements:
subcontract manufacturing → lose some control over quality
we subcontract some manufacturing
we subcontract → subcontractor maintains complete control over quality
Answer Anticipation:
The contrapositive of the first statement tells us
~ lose any control over quality → ~ subcontract manufacturing
This, combined with the final statement, means that the companies discussed in the final statement—the ones that the company president uses as subcontractors—do not, in turn, subcontract any of their manufacturing work.
Correct Answer:
Answer Choice Analysis:
(A) This is correct. It matches our anticipated inference.
(B) "Disappointed" is out of scope. The stimulus describes losing control over quality, but that doesn't necessarily mean anyone will be disappointed in the quality of products.
(C) "Insists" is also out of scope. The stimulus is about situations where a company maintains control, or loses some control. We don't know if the company president insists on having a certain amount of control.
(D) "Consumers" puts answer choice (D) out of scope as well.
(E) "Uniformly better quality" is, again, out of scope. The stimulus explains who has control over quality in different situations. However, no part of the stimulus describes any product as being of better quality than any other. As far as we know, all products mentioned in the stimulus could be of equal quality.
Takeaway/Pattern: Inference questions require you to read the information in the stimulus very literally. Stating that a company "loses some control over quality" or "maintains complete control over quality" does not actually tell us if the quality of any product will be good or bad.