Thanks for your reply! I understand sufficient and necessary conditions, for sure. But how are they related to finding assumptions. Can you give me an example of sufficient assumption and an example of necessary assumption in an argument? Still a little bit confused.
I have practiced about 20 tests now and found several assumptions follow the same pattern. Can you take a look at my inferences below and make sure I am right? Thanks!
Example 1
Premise: A-->B
Conlusion: A-->C
assumption in the right answer choice: B-->C
Example 2
Premise: B-->A
Conlusion: C-->A
assumption in the right answer choice: C-->B
bbirdwell Wrote:Necessary conditions appear on the right side of conditional statements, sufficient conditions on the left.
A --> B
This tells me that A is SUFFICIENT to guarantee B. No matter what else I have (C, Z, $%jk8), if there's an A, that's enough to guarantee me a B.
B is NECESSARY to A. This means the same as above, just from a sort of reverse angle. No matter what, if I ever have an A, B MUST come with it -- it's necessary. I can never have an A without a B.
Those are the basic elements of necessary/sufficient. It's a broad and deep topic that is essential to mastery of this test as well as to success in understanding the law.