I assume you mean question #8, which is the first question of this particular game.
This game has multiple things being tested. Our base set up needs to include the four days with two slots given to each of the four days. One for N and one for P.
According to the rules, each professional teaches at least once. We have four days for 3 nurses to teach. That means only one variable will repeat, and it will repeat only once.
Same idea goes for the psychologists. There are 3 of them and they teach for four days. One will be used more than once, and it will only be used twice.
We know that there are sessions being taught, M, O, R, S.
We do not find out the importance of these sessions until the last rule, which gives us a block: SM
So the other two sessions, O and R, are unknown as to their order.
Question #8 asks of us to find out who could be scheduled for Day 2 if session R is the only session that L is scheduled for.
We know that L is scheduled on Day 3 and that he is a Nurse.
So I have that placed in my diagram below. I also know that since Day 3 will be an R now because of the condition that R is the only session L is scheduled for, I know where my SM block must go! It must be placed on Day 1-Day 2. That means that Day 4 must be session O.
What else do we know from this question stem. We know that since S is on Day 1, we know that J will go there. We know from the rules that J only teaches S, so J cannot repeat and that L cannot repeat because of the information in the question stem.
That means that F must teach Day 2 and Day 4.
From this, you can eliminate any answer choice that does not contain F, which is C, D, and E. We know from the rules that F and T cannot go together on the same day, thus leaving B.